  • 巧虎繽紛大球池 Colorful Ball Pool
  • 琪琪夢想體驗城 Dream Castle
  • 妙妙未來實驗室 Future Lab
  • 桃樂比互動遊戲區 Interactive Area
  • 海洋世界舞台 Ocean World
  • 巧虎 Chiao Hu
    生日:5月5日 / 金牛座 / 血型:O 型 Birthday:5/5, Taurus,
    Blood Type is O.
    朝氣有自信,擅長踢足球,喜歡唱歌、跳舞和甜甜圈。 Energetic and confident. He is good at soccer and he likes singing, dancing and donut.
  • 琪琪 Chi Chi
    生日:10月10日 / 天秤座 / 血型:B 型 Birthday:10/10, Libra,
    Blood Type is B.
    有正義感。擅長跑步和畫畫。喜歡草莓、花、蛋糕以及可愛的事物。 She has the sense of fair play. Besides, she is good at running and painting. She also likes strawberry, cake and lovely things.
  • 桃樂比 Tao Le Bi
    生日:1月1日 / 摩羯座 / 血型:O 型 Birthday:1/1, Capricorn,
    Blood Type is O.
    喜歡唱歌、夢想成為歌手,非常喜歡吃章魚燒。 He likes singing and he dreams to be a singer. His favorite food is Takoyaki.
  • 妙妙 Miao Miao
    生日:4月4日 / 牡羊座 / 血型:A 型 Birthday:4/4, Aries,
    Blood Type is A.
    性格有點男孩子氣,做事認真、穩重,很會照顧人。擅長跑步、爬樹,夢想成為田徑選手。喜歡吃葡萄。 She is kind of boyish, staid, hard-working and very caring. Besides, she is good at running and tree-climbing and she dreams to be a track and field athlete. She likes grapes.